SUDS Detail for Risby Luxury Homes - Westcote Farm

Project: Westcote Farm, South Cave
Client: Risby Homes
Flex MSE Units: 1,800
Type of Install: Flex MSE & Geogrid
Application: SUDS Detail
Vegetation Solution: Plug Planting

As part of a new-build housing development creating twenty-three luxury properties, Risby Homes dug out a Victorian era culvert, transforming it into a feature waterway. This newly formed stream became part of the surface-water drainage detail for the site, running 86m in length, whilst increasing the value of the properties with a water feature.
Method: Once the old culvert had been excavated, pre-filled Flex MSE® GTX Bags & Interlocking Plates were installed as a gravity-wall reinforced earth solution from the riverbed up, backfilling with a structural aggregate. The new Flex MSE® riverbanks were then vegetated with plug plants.

Additional Comments/Notes:
Rather than using traditional systems such as concrete or gabion baskets, the developers wanted a more green, permanent & cost-effective solution.
The banks included a stepped feature and two culvert headwalls to complete the design of the new watercourse.

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