Essex Council Adopts Flex MSE for Flood Protection
Essex Council adopts Flex MSE for Flood Protection with the added benefit of incorporating a footpath into the design at High Ongar.
Flex MSE stands out as a revolutionary solution, offering unparalleled advantages over traditional methods. Its bagwork installation system combines simplicity and speed, ensuring efficient project completion. What sets Flex MSE apart is its remarkable design life of 120 years, requiring zero maintenance. By choosing Flex MSE, East Sussex Highways has not only secured durable infrastructure but has also made a lasting impact on the environment.
In addition to its longevity, Flex MSE offers substantial cost savings compared to conventional concrete solutions. The financial benefits are evident, making it an attractive choice for organisations seeking cost-effective and environmentally responsible alternatives. With Flex MSE, East Sussex Highways has found a solution that minimises their expenses without compromising on quality or sustainability.
Project: F2046
Construction Time: 2 Weeks
Flex MSE Units: 957
M2: 74
Type of Install: Reinforced Flex MSE Stretcher Bond Retaining Wall
Vegetation Solution: Hydroseeded
The above Project is currently in progress, with it either being at phase 1 of installation, phase 2 of installation, pre-hydroseeded or post-hydroseeded. Please return in 4-6 months to view the completed, fully vegetated case study.