Drainage and Ditch Reinforcement for M61 Radburn Motorway

Project: M61 Radburn - Area 10
Client: Highways England
Flex MSE Units: 2,305
Type of Install: Mattress & Tie-back Install
Application: Drainage, Ditch Reinforcement
Vegetation Solutions: Hydroseed
The M61 Radburn section of motorway (Area 10) had significant flooding after heavy rains, causing a wash-out onto a private resident’s property, overflowing onto the heavily trafficked, 6-lane highway. Highways England instructed BBMMJV to reduce flooding, reducing the risk of loss of life and damage to essential infrastructure in extreme weather conditions.

Flex MSE was utilised to create flow diversion running underneath the M61 on both sides of a channel up to 1.2m in height in a tie back formation. The Flex MSE repair lead up to culvert with additional Flex MSE embankment reinforcement to protect the asset in the event of high flow rates. This prevented further flood damage to the private property as well as stopping a repeat overspill on to the M61.

Method: After the initial earthworks, a trench was created using Flex MSE, reinforcing both sides leading into the culvert. The site was then hydroseeded with a low-maintenance amenity grass mix. A two-person team installed the entire structure by hand in <7 days.

BBMMJV Project Manager:
“We have had problems with the stretch of the M61 for some time, and understandably to the disliking of the resident who was losing his property line to this drainage issue. We were delighted on the speed of which is Flex MSE was installed and the cost. Needless to say, the resident and the client were both delighted with the results.”

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