Making waves by the sea with Flex MSE
When the Welsh County Council told us about a sensitive site (SSSI) suffering from severe coastal erosion, we were delighted to provide the perfect solution with the Flex MSE Retaining Wall System. Native coastal plants will take over the wall once vegetated.
Client: Welsh County Council
Construction Time: 3-4 weeks
Flex MSE Units: M2: 214
Type of Install: SSSI Flex MSE retaining wall for severe coastal erosion control
Vegetation Solution: native coastal plants
Did you know, because Flex MSE is inert, it doesn’t matter whether you’re installing it on land, in freshwater, or even in seawater, the 120 year design life and 75 year warranty are totally unaffected.
The above Project is currently in progress, with it either being at phase 1 of installation, phase 2 of installation, pre-hydroseeded or post-hydroseeded. Please return in 4-6 months to view the completed, fully vegetated case study.

Gleeson Homes looks to Sustainable Retaining Walls

Hodson Homes Hand-Pick Flex MSE for New Developments

Bellway Homes Specifies Flex MSE on Housing Development in Liverpool
Tilia Homes Specifies Flex MSE for Housing Developments

Flex MSE used to Maximise rear garden space for Housing Developments

Flex MSE Assists Earth Stabilising for Cheshire Property

Housing Developer requires Flex MSE retaining wall for limited workspace

Building Excellence Through Sustainable Construction: The Story of Flex MSE at Glentress Forest

Flex MSE supports sub station for housing developments

Green Retaining Wall Flex MSE Chosen for Housing Development

Council Repair Works With Flex MSE

Innovative Rail Flow Bridge Designed With Sustainability And safety In Mind
Flooding Is No Issue For New Build Homes, With Confidence From Flex MSE

Devon housing development leans on Flex MSE for new homes

Green retaining wall ties into existing gabion system for SUD’s pond

Flex MSE 3 tiered retaining wall for property development

Drainage and Ditch Reinforcement for M61 Radburn Motorway

Memorial Park Riverbank Repair & Revetment Replacement

Mott Mills Sustainable Development wins Green Apple Award

Flex MSE used on major road widening scheme

Flex MSE used to support eroding reservoir embankment in North Wales due to wind and wave scour.

Historical Rode Bridge monument suffering flood damage receives Flex MSE Support

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016, “Temple Garden” by Cholmondeley Castle Gardens, Silver-Gilt Medal Winner – Flex MSE® Vegetated Wall System, 2016
Flex MSE used to repair a damaged riverbank for Hampshire Environment agency

Regeneration project includes Flex MSE Systems for Harrow area thanks to London Mayors Big Green Fund

SUDS Detail for Risby Luxury Homes - Westcote Farm