Flex MSE used on major road widening scheme

Project: A629 Salterhebble Hill
Client: Calderdale Council (WYCA)
Flex MSE Units: 5,270
Type of Install: Flex MSE Soil & Nail
Application: Road widening expansion
Vegetation Solution: Hydroseed

As part of a major road-widening scheme, Flex MSE® was specified by the design engineers for a soil-nail reinforced slope, offering a green alternative to traditional construction methods.
Over seven million seeds were applied, via hydroseeding, onto the face of the Flex MSE® installation as part of an ambitious project run by Calderdale Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The aim was to tackle congestion along the A629 in Salterhebble Hill, welcoming green infrastructure onto this heavily trafficked roadway.
Method: After soil-nails had been installed, guide rails were attached to engage with geogrids & the Flex MSE® system.
Taking 5 weeks to install, a specific seed mix was applied hydraulically once the slope was completed.
Cllr Eric Firth, Deputy Chair of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Transport Committee said:
"Spraying the new living wall here at Salterhebble with millions of seeds and planting over 1,200 shrubs, wildflowers and trees is the final stage in creating this new vertical garden that will absorb carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and reduce noise along this stretch of the route."

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