Flex MSE used to support eroding reservoir embankment in North Wales due to wind and wave scour.

Project: North Wales Reservoir
Client: Welsh Water
Flex MSE Units: 2,600
Type of Install: Flex MSE Tie Back
Application: Eroding Embankment
Vegetation Solution: Hydroseed
An eroded reservoir embankment in North Wales was subjected to wind and wave scour. This catchment area is significantly over-reservoired. This means that the reservoir cannot fill from its own catchment within one annual hydrological cycle. When the reservoir level is drawn down, it can take several years for it to completely re-fill again.
There are multiple designations on this site including archaeological and habitat considerations, in addition to the public health & safety concerns.
Method: Building up from grade, Flex MSE® was installed, backfilling every 2 courses. Flex MSE® now provides bank reinforcement utilising site-won stone to create rip-rap. The installation was hydroseeded to blend into the landscape and took 5 days to complete.
Additional Comments/Notes:
This UK sensitive site is open to the public for it’s walkways, cycling routes, fishing and visitor’s centre, hosting their own popular café. Considerations to public visibility and native bird species make Flex MSE® the ideal solution to minimise the impact of works.

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