Project Overview
Sustainable construction
We offer a number of ergonomic, environmentally friendly and sustainable products that cater to a number of needs and purposes.

Flex MSE 3 tiered retaining wall for property development
Flex MSE 3 tiered retaining wall for property developments

Green retaining wall ties into existing gabion system for SUD’s pond
Green retaining wall ties into existing gabion system for SUD’s pond for Housing Development

Devon housing development leans on Flex MSE for new homes
Devon housing development leans on Flex MSE for new homes

Flex MSE supports sub station for housing developments
Flex MSE supports sub station for housing developments
Tilia Homes Specifies Flex MSE for Housing Developments
Tilia Homes Specifies Flex MSE for Housing Developments

Gleeson Homes looks to Sustainable Retaining Walls
Gleeson Homes looks to Sustainable Retaining Walls

Lancashire Council Endorses Flex MSE for Road Support
Lancashire Council Endorses Flex MSE for Road Support

Hodson Homes Hand-Pick Flex MSE for New Developments
Hodson Homes Hand-Pick Flex MSE for New Developments

Essex Council Adopts Flex MSE for Flood Protection
Essex Council adopts Flex MSE for Flood Protection

Flex MSE used to Maximise rear garden space for Housing Developments
Flex MSE used to Maximise rear garden space for Housing Developments

Flex MSE Assists Earth Stabilising for Cheshire Property
Flex MSE Assists Earth Stabilising for Cheshire Property

Housing Developer requires Flex MSE retaining wall for limited workspace
Housing Developer requires Flex MSE retaining wall for limited workspace

Green Retaining Wall Flex MSE Chosen for Housing Development
Green Retaining Wall Flex MSE Chosen for Housing Development

Council Repair Works With Flex MSE
Newport County Council chose Flex MSE to repair a failing wall, replacing an existing embankment. With being so close to the road side the quick install of the system was a massive benefit in reducing road traffic management and costs.
Flooding Is No Issue For New Build Homes, With Confidence From Flex MSE
Flooding Is No Issue For New Build Homes, With Confidence From Flex MSE

Union Canal, Scotland chooses Flex MSE for Retaining wall
Union Canal, Scotland chooses Flex MSE for Retaining wall

Drainage and Ditch Reinforcement for M61 Radburn Motorway
Drainage and Ditch Reinforcement for M61 Radburn Motorway

Memorial Park Riverbank Repair & Revetment Replacement
Memorial Park Riverbank Repair & Revetment Replacement

Flex MSE used on major road widening scheme
"Spraying the new living wall here at Salterhebble with millions of seeds and planting over 1,200 shrubs, wildflowers and trees is the final stage in creating this new vertical garden that will absorb carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and reduce noise along this stretch of the route." - Cllr Eric Firth, Deputy Chair of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Transport Committee

Flex MSE used to support eroding reservoir embankment in North Wales due to wind and wave scour.
Flex MSE used to support eroding reservoir embankment in North Wales due to wind and wave scour.

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016, “Temple Garden” by Cholmondeley Castle Gardens, Silver-Gilt Medal Winner – Flex MSE® Vegetated Wall System, 2016
RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016, “Temple Garden” by Cholmondeley Castle Gardens, Silver-Gilt Medal Winner – Flex MSE® Vegetated Wall System, 2016
Flex MSE used to repair a damaged riverbank for Hampshire Environment agency
Flex MSE used to repair a damaged riverbank for Hampshire Environment agency

Regeneration project includes Flex MSE Systems for Harrow area thanks to London Mayors Big Green Fund
Regeneration project includes Flex MSE Systems for Harrow area thanks to London Mayors Big Green Fund

Dunsbury Park Riverbank Flex MSE Retaining Wall – 2016
Riverbank restoration for commercial highway scheme

Bellway Homes Specifies Flex MSE on Housing Development in Liverpool
Bellway Homes specifies Flex MSE on Housing development in Liverpool

HydroSack® supports construction site from foul water entering public watercourse
HydroSack® supports construction site from foul water entering public watercourse

Marriott Hotel finds flood protection solution for floodwater damage with HydroSack® and HydroSnake®
Marriott Hotel finds flood protection solution for floodwater damage with HydroSack® and HydroSnake®

Fife Council invest in Flood protection range of products
Fife Council invest in Flood protection range of products

HydroSack® supports Witton from freak storms and flash flooding
HydroSack® supports Witton from freak storms and flash flooding
Somerset District Council provide flood protection initiative for over 3,000 effected by the recent floods.
Somerset District Council provide flood protection initiative for over 3,000 effected by the recent floods.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council switch to an alternative, affordable, more sustainable solution for flood protection
Hammersmith & Fulham Council switch to an alternative, affordable, more sustainable solution for flood protection

Dumfries & Galloway Council confirm alternative to sandbags for flooding protection
Dumfries & Galloway Council confirm alternative to sandbags for flooding protection

Hammersmith & Fulham Council
Since the major floods of 2013/14, many Local Authorities have been forced to change tack as not only were the floods near impossible to anticipate, but the supply and deployment of sandbags was problematic.

During the Xmas flooding of Cumbria in 2015, newly formed Eden Flood Volunteers made it known that local residents preferred the use of HydroSack®s & HydroSnake®s to protect homes & businesses, instead of traditional sandbags
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