Tech support
Talk to our skilled team of engineers ready to support your project.

We believe that the best people to give advice to engineers, architects and installers about our products are the people who designed them.
That's why if you call our technical support team, you'll have one of our friendly, engineers on the line. Whether you need help choosing the right product, or advice on the best solution for your installation, they can help.
Call: +44 (0)161 980 1016 or email
Monday to Friday
8:00am to 5pm

Help us to Help you
When you call for engineering technical support for specific projects, having the following information on hand will help us to serve you promptly and efficiently:
- Which Gravitas International product are you using?
- What is your project / do you have a project number?
- Do you have supporting imagery / Videos?
- Do you have an exisiting SI / Ground report?
- What is your load requirement?
Have you checked out our full list of FAQ's, Click here
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